Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Dating for some people is like playing Texas Hold'em

Dating? Hum...think I will take a pass for awhile. There are so many people out there who are not happy unless they are in a relationship any relationship even if it is a bad one. Are people just lonely? Or are they not happy with their selves and just don't understand that you have to be happy with yourself first. You can not depend on someone else to "make" you happy. So many questions and so little time. Ok, here is what I think, maybe I have been alone for so long now that I am too set in my ways! Or maybe my standards are too high! Whatever, these excuses are bogus and I know it. However, if I can tell a situation is not going to work I am not going to waste my time or another persons time not to mention their emotions to keep myself entertained. Because if you open that door it may not be as easy to close as you think. It's why your parents always said not to feed stray cats because they won't want to leave. If everyone had a visible personal warning label it would be so much easier. I am just saying it is like a hand of Texas Hold'em I guess there are really only two choices "All In" or "Fold" I sure don't want to increase my bet or call, so I am more apt to fold.

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