Saturday, March 27, 2010

Unbelievable, We Need This Wake Up Call

If you have not been watching Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution, then you should take a look. His first stop is in Huntington, West Virginia at an Elementary School. Last night I thought I would lose it. These children could not even identify vegetables when he held them up. I am not talking about anything difficult, they could not even identify tomato's or potato's! They knew what a french fry was but not what vegetable they came from. He was also trying to show kids the best parts of a fresh chicken as he cut it up. When he had it down to the carcase he asked the kids if they wanted to eat the carcase and they wanted nothing to do with it. He then proceeded to put the carcase in a food processor and turned it into yucky glop. He ran it through a sieve and then mixed it with binders and other stuff and smashed it down and took a cutter and cut out chicken patties which he cooked in oil then the kids wanted to eat it! OMG are you kidding? Gag me! Another thing is these kids did not even have forks and knives to eat with and did not know how to even use them before he got there. They were only eating things that could be eaten with a spoon. This is a great show to watch, I really encourage you to follow Jamie on this journey. It is eye opening, you can go to this link and watch all the shows to date.

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