Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Eternal Reefs A Beautiful Continuation Of Life

I always joking refer to myself as a mermaid because I am the happiest when I am in the water. As a native Floridian we were always at the beach, heck I was born in a beach community. Even when I lived in Texas we made three to four pilgrimages to Galveston ever summer. I finally received my diving certification while on a vacation in 2001 to the French Polynesia Islands around Bora Bora and Tahiti. As soon as I dropped out of the dive destination dingy, I put on my mask to look into the water and could not believe the world that was unfolding right before my eyes. Wow! Below me nothing but clear warm water teaming with life and color it was absolutely breath taking! I was hooked to say the least and I knew that when my time came to pass from this life I wanted my ashes to join the life of the sea.

A few years ago I came across a website that provides a way to actually become part of the ocean that I love so much and that is through the formation of producing Eternal Reef Balls. Reef Balls are made with different mixtures of concrete and ash including human ash remains that are mixed together poured into molds to harden, they are then removed and placed on the ocean floor to become reef systems for our oceans ecology. So you really become one with the sea so to speak, you are contributing to the continuance of life.

There are companies all over the country now who are doing this. Here is link to Bradenton County Reef Ball Projects with maps showing where reef balls have been placed along with other helpful information. Also attached are links to reefball.org and The Eternal Reef Foundation. It is truly an amazing way to memorialize a loved one, while at the same time providing eternal life to the sea.




My inspiration for today's blog is from a conversation with a friend last night. "C" this one is for you! xoxo

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