Friday, February 12, 2010

Celebrate You ~

Let me just start by saying that I spend a lot of holidays, birthdays, new years and valentines days alone and it is by choice. I think there is a lot of pressure and hype on these occasions that lead people to become very lonely during these times if they are not celebrating with others. I will even go so far as to say being with a significant other due to the fact that Valentines Day is this weekend. But here is the thing, you do not have to celebrate every so called special occasion with other people. Maybe this is a great time for you to pamper yourself, put yourself first and just do something that you would generally not do. Make it special for you and about you. Buy some champagne and strawberries and take a relaxing bubble bath. Buy some wine, chocolates, caviar, whatever you like and indulge yourself! Make it about you, not what the hype of the occasion promotes it to be.

The point is to celebrate the beauty in life and in you! I so worry about being alone I relish the fact that I am and enjoy my time with myself. I find that I am always in a much better place for doing so. No worries about stressing out, what to buy, trying to get just the right gift, plus dealing with the pressure and worring about everything not holding up to all the expectations or the awful feeling of someone being disappointed.

I myself will be celebrating being single and celebrating my life! It does not matter how you do it, just celebrate!

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