Friday, February 19, 2010

Cheating Is Not Gender Specific

There are plenty of women and men who cheat on their spouse, significant other, boy friend or girl friend. But cheating is defiantly not gender specific. If I had a friend that was cheating or I knew their spouse, mate or friend was cheating on them, I would need to do some serious soul searching. To decide to get into someones personal life is not a decision to be taken lightly. It would depend on the situation and I would think about it long and hard. Unfortunately for those who live their life in the public arena they no longer have the privilege of handling their life issues privately.

For those out there, who are or have ever cheated on someone, you are the one who has to live with the consequences of your actions. I am happy that I don't live out my life's dramas out in front of the whole world! Because God knows everyone will have an opinion and make it known. Sometimes I feel that some people are always ready to make a comment or get their jab in. I personally feel that some people just do not have the courage to look at their own life that closely under a microscope. It is much easier to address someone else and the issues and problems that they are dealing with. Or perhaps sometimes it is something smaller like you just don't like someone for whatever reason and go out of your way to make that person uncomfortable. Again maybe it is time to take a really close look at yourself and think about what really gives you the right to judge, make fun of or talk about others.

Everyone is different and we each have our own set of circumstances that are different and I think that we are to quick to judge others when perhaps we should be directing that energy in a more positive direction. Just saying........

1 comment:

Janie said...

AMEN!!!!! I really would like to see some people have to live their life in front of everyone and take the criticism like those folks do who choose to live their life that way. Yes, most people would say, well this is the life they chose, but is it really. Did I choose to live my life in front of the camera because I wanted to be the best golfer, football player, basketball player, etc. or did I choose to be the best and HAD to live my life in front of the camera because "it comes with the territory" and other people thrive on the good and the bad of the rich and famous? I personally try not to listen to all the stories that come out about these people because I am truly interested in what they do in their craft, not the crap in their lives!