Saturday, February 20, 2010

My Family Of "Anyway Friends"

"Anyway friends" they are the friends that love you and will always be there for you no matter what. They will be your touch stone, your rock, your confidant those people that you will share all of life's experiences with! Your "anyway friends" will be with you through all the laughter and tears, all the good times and bad. Each of us that are so blessed to have "anyway friends" can get through anything life throws at us. Some people assume that your family is going to fill that space in your life, but that is not true for everyone. In some cases blood is not thicker than water.

I have an "anyway friend" that goes back to the beginning of junior high. Even if we have not talked on the phone for awhile, we pick up right where we left off. It is like we just talked two days ago, "so anyway how do it go with such and such"? So Della is one of my "anyway friends" love you girl! As I have reconnected with old friends and made new ones through social networking I find that my circle of "anyway friends" is growing. Much love to you all, old and new and thank you for being my very special "Anyway Friends"!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

OK, now I really like this one!!!