Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Guilty or Innocent?

I had family in town and it was just us girls so we decided on a warm sunny day to head out to the beach. The beach was wonderful and we really had a great time. We decided to stop at a beach side cafe on the way back, to finish out our beautiful day enjoying each others company. We chose to sit outside so we could enjoy the sun and water. We ordered our beverages and ordered an array of appetizers. Right before our food arrived they sat a party of four which consisted of two couples and they were seated a couple of tables over. I love to people watch so I noticed them when the were seated.

Our food arrived and we were just starting to get a little of this and a little of that, you know how that goes. Well I looked up to find one of the "ladies" at the newly sat table point here finger in our direction and directly at our party and she was saying something to the others at her table. As I watched the other three slowly turned to look and started to giggle. I knew what they were making fun of with out breaking eye contact with their table, they were making fun of how someone in my group was eating. I thought to myself, how old are you? I wanted to walk over and say to the lady you should learn to act your age....She I would guess was in her mid to late 50's. So I removed my sun glasses, turned my chair slightly and stared right back at them. They soon got the message but would still turn to look over occassionally. I never took my eyes off of them until we left.

Are you as an adult guilty or innocent of being in public and making fun of people and pointing your finger in someones direction for your entire party to enjoy as well? Adults should act their age and not point fingers and giggle. This again is only my oppinion, but I would think you would be grown out of that by this point.

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