Saturday, May 22, 2010

More From Goodbye Shelia

While I respect all the good that the Susan G. Komen foundation has done for breast cancer awareness, I really have a difficult time stomaching their current campaign. The campaign and alliance with KFC is a hard pill to swallow and I can only wonder if they did any research on the chicken giant they have climbed into bed with. The big players in this game of ownership and control over our food are Monsanto, Purdue and Tyson. These three are not all but out of a handful these guys are the big boys in the game. Again I implore you to purchase the documentary "Food Inc." or go to the website to see when it will be showing in your area. I also encourage you to watch the following documentaries as well.

Here is a movie review on "Food Inc.".


This following link reports according to Tyson that the antibiotics they inject does not harm humans. However in the documentary "Food Inc." one chicken farmer was interviewed and she is now allergic to all antibiotics from the treated corn she is forced to feed the chickens, along with the atmosphere she was exposed to being a chicken farmer. She is also in the documentary listed above from "Poisoned Waters". So don't try to spoon feed me that you really are not hurting anyone because it is a lie for your protection, profit and control. That my friends is the truth and we are just starting to see the effects of the crap that a few corporate giants have done to us and our food supply. We all know people with all types of illnesses coming out of the woodwork. I encourage you to read the following information. We need to take back our rights to what we put into our bodies and everyone has a right to know, so stand up and do the research and lets get GMO's (Genetically Modified Organisms) out of our food. For information on GMO's watch the documentary "The World According To Monsanto". Buy glass or if you buy plastic be aware of PCB's, (Polychlorinated Biphenyls, PCB's are being found in fish bellies, in new born babies they has been passed down while they were in the womb from their mothers. PLEASE take the time to do your own research you certainly do not have to take my word for it.

Fighting these companies is very difficult, they have the money, power, control of farmers and the Government. The dairy farmers are making some progress in their area, however I spoke with a dairy farmer in New England and he told me that the dairy farmers in New Hampshire are really hurting. Some of the farmers are co-oping now and it is working for them. The suicide rate with in the farming communities around the globe is staggering, and is due in great part for the control and pressure they are under with the companies that control them. Most people around the world clueless about the harm and damage being done to our health and well being of ourselves and those we love.

1 comment:

gfjj said...

Susan G. Komen, cancer fighting giant. KFC cancer causing chicken giant. Since there is no possible way a valid alliance between the two other than total ignorance or lack of values on Komen's part, the only answer to this conundrum is the obvious cancer fighter scam. If Komen were serious about breast cancer awareness, people would be aware that KFC causes breast cancer.

Susan G. Komen fund is a scam.