Friday, February 5, 2010

Learning To Let Go Of Things You Can Not Change

We all have different issues in our lives and things that we can not change. I admit that I can be a bit of a control freak when it comes to certain aspects of my life. For me there is one issue that is really hard for me to let go of. But I have to learn in regards to a certain person to let them take care of themselves and their issues. I can not change anything for or about this person and steps have been taken to make sure that I have no control or say over this persons health issues as they are aging. I do not live in the same town and that control has been given to someone else. So I have to learn not to worry myself into a frenzy over issues that are going on with this person. Things will happened and life already has its plan in place for all of us. To to make myself sick with worry and send my blood pressure through the roof is not the answer, I have to let go. Because it is literally and completely out of my control. It is difficult not to worry about those you love but we all have our own lives to live and each of us is responsible for the decisions and directions that our lives take.

You may have times when other people may say you are not doing your job and accuse you of not being a good friend, partner, parent, son or daughter, but lets be clear you are not walking away from them. You are instead allowing them to live their life with the decisions that they are making for themselves. Let them take the responsibility for their health and well being. It is after all their life and not yours. No matter what the situation is, all relationships are at times difficult at best, and learning that you do not have the power to change people should be enough for each of us. But, it is sometimes not as easy as one would think and when it comes to a parent, child or loved one. However it has to be done, so from today I am moving forward I will listen, be concerned ask questions when appropriate and love them, but that is really all I can do. I have to let go of the things that I can not change!

1 comment:

Janie said...

I completely understand how hard it is to let something or someone go, but I always put them in the hands of God and know they will be ok. I know I actually have no control over anything in my life, including what happens to me, but I do know that God will take care of all of it as long as I trust Him. It really helps me in many aspects of my life to know that someone who loves me and cares about me is making those choices and decisions for me. Sometimes it is very hard to accept those choices and decisions at first, but if I give Him a chance, He always works it out for my benefit. There are times when I don't turn things over to Him right away and think I can struggle through working them out myself, but eventually I come to my senses and give it all to Him. I have learned the quicker I can remember to give Him everything, the easier my life will be.